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Ok this is a fun one. I started the "grow" part of Grow with the Flow when I was pregnant with my first child, Lily. I wanted a saguaro-shaped growth chart made of wood for the National Parks-themed nursery. Not finding what I wanted online, I decided to make one myself! A quick tutorial of a jig saw and I had finally found a hobby!

The power of social media allowed me to make growth charts for friends and, eventually, for friends of friends. Beyond growth charts, I have made an ottoman, shelves and a kitchen step stool/helper among other things

The "flow" is the IV hydration with Rocky Mountain IV Medics. Between growth charts and IVs, I'm a contract nurse for APPS of Colorado (life insurance physicals) and PRN with Optimal Hospice to satisfy my passion for end-of-life care

Blessed doesn't even begin to explain how I feel every day. I get to stretch my efficiency muscles and do up to 4 wonderful jobs every day. I LOVE IT!

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I'm Jenna - a mom, wife and entrepreneur. This is a space where I can be 100% authentically me.

I love creating, making money as a contract nurse and piecing it all together with my life at home. Join me as I try to figure it all out!

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